10 Powerful Hidden Menu on Your Android Device You Must Know - My Tech Lab

23 Mar 2016

10 Powerful Hidden Menu on Your Android Device You Must Know

Android is a highly customizable mobile operating system. Every user has a complete control over his/her device and can customize anything from how the device looks to how the device performs but in case you didn’t know; there are a set of hidden features on the Android operating system’s settings that is limited to Developers and advanced users. Frankly speaking, you do not have to be a developer to be able to use those settings. All you need is to know how to go about it and understand what you are doing which am going to show you today.
The reason those features are hidden and are tagged as “developer options” is because these options are not in the settings menu of your android device. Now to enable these powerful hidden menus on your android device, follow the bellow steps.
  •  Head to your device’s settings menu and tap on “about device”   
  •  Scroll down to the Build number and tap on it in six successive sections. This will enable the developer menu in the settings menu of your phone.
image credit: The android guy
·         Now go back to the settings main menu and you should find the Developer option right above the “about phone”
Now if you have successfully enabled that option, tap on it to enter its menu options. NOTE however that depending on the type of Android device and the Android OS versions some of the options I will mention here might not appear on your device. If you want more stings just upgrade your device.

While some of the options on that menu are targeted for developers, some are already interesting to use by any android user. Now let try out some of the options and see how interesting they are to use in your Android device.

Look out for the Allow mock location option and tap right to it to enable. Once enabled, you can find any GPS location from anywhere around the world. Simple go to the play store and download any GPS app (in this case download the Fake GPS app and you can now find any location you are looking for right on your Android phone. Make sure you enable the GPS option in your notification bar. This option is fun for social media users because you can tag your updates in any location around the globe. At least your friends may believe you are posting from a certain location around the world.

Next is the process stats option. With this option enabled you can view the device’s memory status and you can check the apps that are most consuming your RAM. You can also see the status of the RAM to see whether it’s running low or otherwise. With this option, if you find some apps you don’t use that often you can simply tap on it and Force stop it which will not only free RAM space but also help you reduce battery usage.

With this option enabled all your screen touches are traced. This option can be useful if you want to do a screen recording on your Android device or do Device casting for presentation purposes.

This hardware accelerated option is for those who are into gaming and those who use heavy apps often on their devices. With the option enabled, it will render 2D objects on the GPU. If you have an app or game on your device and it runs slow then turn this option on and it will definitely run smoother.
image credit: The android guy
If you are using a high-end tablet or phone and you run 3D games on it then this options will make your game perform better and your graphics look great.

Now one of the most used android features is the window animation feature. Under the Developer options menu, you will find the Window animation scale, Transition animation scale and Animation duration scale.  These options take care of the animation in-between switching tabs on your phone. You can play around and set your preferences based on how you want to enjoy your device but note that these options when set to high or delay can affect your phone’s speed.

The CPU usage option lets you monitor the CPU usage stats on your screen. When this option is enabled, it displays an overlay on the right side of your device’s screen showing you what type of processes are running on the CPU and how much load the CPU is taking.

This option is great for low and phones. So if your phone has a lower RAM, you might want to enable this feature. It kills an app’s activity as soon as you leave them. This can be unpleasant a bit for those who run background apps like WhatsApp etc. but it’s worth it if you phone is a slow one.

This option is basically an advanced version of the above I just talked about. As your android is a multitasking device you might want to open a lot of apps at the same time. But if your phone is the slow type, I recommend you set the limit to 3 or 4 apps. Do not set it to None or 1 because it will certain make no sense of you using a smart phone.
The most advantage part of this whole thing is that if you made changes to your phone that you don’t like, you can roll it back just by turning the developer option Off. To do so tap on the green button on the top right corner of your screen to turn off.

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