Boost Your Android Phone and Tablet's Battery Life With These Apps - My Tech Lab

30 May 2015

Boost Your Android Phone and Tablet's Battery Life With These Apps


Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. We carry out most daily task with the help of our smartphones and Tablets and even entertain ourselves with these devices by playing games, watching videos online and offline, and a whole lot more. This is perfect only if there is nothing to hold you back from using your device all day.

There is this one thing that mostly limits us from engaging with our devices. it even sometimes denies us when we need it most. and this thing am talking about here is the battery life. True isn't it?
Boosting the life of your Android devices' battery will certainly ensure you relax while doing stuff with your Phone or Tablet.

Below are a couple of Android apps available at the Play Store that will help you extent your battery life.

My Android Tools

this app works by letting you be able to  enable or disable any app services, receivers, activities or providers and so having full control on your personal or system apps. It displays various activities, processes and apps running in the background so you will be able to kill unnecessary activities to save battery life. some of its features include the following;
1. enable/disable components(activity,service,receiver,provider)
★blue:running currently (just for service)
2. show all running tasks and processes(with pid and uid)
3. show the logcat
4. show the sharedpreferences and sqlite database of all apps
5. enable/disable apps


This app is not available on the Play Store, however, it's a very good app to help gain some extra life for batteries. this app. Adaway works by blocking data-devouring advertisements that appear on phones and apps by accessing your host file. The hosts file contains a list of mappings between hostnames and IP addresses.


Greenify help you identify and put the misbehaving apps into hibernation when you are not using them, to stop them from lagging your device and leeching the battery, in an unique way! They can do nothing without explicit launch by you or other apps, while still preserving full functionality when running in foreground, similar to iOS apps!


AppOpsXposed restores the "App Ops" functionality on Android 4.4.2, and also adds an item in the
native "Settings" app that launches "App ops". It let you rescind certain app permissions that are particularly drain your battery.

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Tags: Android, Tutorials, I.T News, Phone Tips, Reviews, Computer tricks, Security

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